Below is an exert from an article by Thomas Cobble RPT of the space chapter of the PTG in the US. This system was designed by Richard Dain of Hurstwood Farm Pianos... |
The Piano Revolution. The last time piano design concept made dynamic progress was in the second half of the nineteenth century. This was driven by the physical demands placed on the instrument by artists like Liszt and... |
Which Piano? - What you need to know when buying a piano. Grand or Upright? Grands and uprights are very different instruments. Most people will decide which they want on the basis of available space... |
The Phoenix bridge aggraffe is a patented bridge coupling system. It differs from other bridge aggraffe systems, some... |
Steingraeber-Phoenix The Professional’s Piano that is a
“Quart in a Pint Pot”.
The spirit of adventure in devising new piano design was strong in the nineteenth century... |
Carbon Fibre in Piano Building - and Other Forthcoming Piano Design Improvements Whither the... |
New Technology in pianos - The Piano Revolution. The last time piano design concept made dynamic progress was in the second half of the nineteenth century. This was driven by the physical demands placed on the... |
Phoenix Agraffe Systems, Conventional bridge systemIt is long established practice for the strings of pianos to pass from tuning ping via a fixed point normally on the frame, which defines the beginning of the sounding... |